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ValYouBel - Rekrutierung Neu Erfinden

Transformation Management Event at Istanbul Bilgi University

On April 16, 2019, the world-famous conductor and composer Rob Kapilow, Vice President of the Board of Trustees of Istanbul Bilgi University, Ecmel Ayral and ValYouBel founding partner Nilgün Aygen presented at the 'Transformation Management' event in the Energy of Museum of Istanbul Bilgi University.

 Rob Kapilow und Nilgün Aygen


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I. Maestro Rob Kapilow - Discover the World of Infinite Possibilities

Kapilow staged an unforgettable performance with the Turkish National Youth Philarmonical Orchestra musicians and demonstrated that all greatness ultimately grows out of a particular kind of listening for possibility.


All greatness ultimately grows out of a particular kind of listening-listening for possibility. What does it take to bring that kind of listening to every team as well as each to each interaction, especially between different generations in our daily and corporate lives? The maestro Rob Kapilow demonstrated that all greatness ultimately grows out of a particular kind of listening - listening for possibility.


II. Future of Work by Ecmel Ayral

Vice President of the Board of Trustees of Istanbul Bilgi University, Ecmel Ayral explained what the future of work will mean for jobs, skills, and critical competencies.

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III. Recruiting Quo Vadis by Nilgün Aygen

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Nilgün Aygen presented an interactive workshop „Recruiting - Quo Vadis“ at the 'Transformation Management' event and discussed how recruiting trends will change the recruitment industry in the future.

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Global shortage of skilled workers - A crisis/challenge or opportunity?

ValYouBel's latest survey of 'Recruiting Trends' shed light on the critical topic of 'Talent Shortage'. 

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IV. Event Reflection

Vice President of the Board of Trustees of Istanbul Bilgi University - Ecmel Ayral, ValYouBel Founding Partner - Nilgün Aygen and along with her partner at Odgers Berndtson Turkey - Ayşe Öztuna Bozoklar reflected the critical highlights on the transformation management event.

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Maestro Rob Kapilow

Having been performed in leading concert halls in New York, Boston and Toronto, as well as across the world, Rob Kapilow's musical performance uses classical music to build bridges between the worlds of business, academia and the arts, providing hints also on how to achieve 'extraordinary performances' by getting different talent to work together through collective wisdom.


Nilgün Aygen

Already at the age of 23, Nilgün Aygen decided to be an entrepreneur. To date, she has successfully completed many projects in Sales Optimization, Talent Assessment and in the field of Management Assessments and Reviews. Today, as a managing director and book-author, she advises many talent management clients this direct and simple approach: the right people at the right place at the right time.


Talent Assessment, Recruiting, Rekrutierung Neu Erfinden, Recruiting Trends